Let’s Get Started… 💪🏽

If you’re reading this, then I’m guessing you’re serious about getting active. Yaaay, that’s a great move and I’m proud of you. 👏🏾

The fitness lifestyle is something people struggle with for various reasons and to be honest, I struggle with it myself. This is because some days, we don’t have time, we lack motivation or we just feel tired! 😓

I’ve been on this active lifestyle for 6 years now and I can tell you the benefits are numerous.

Firstly, working out boosts your mood at the end of it even though getting yourself to start exercising is difficult (trust me that’s the hardest part). You’ve probably already heard, working out releases endorphins which are chemicals hormones produced by your body -it’s also known as the ‘happy’ hormone. So if you’re feeling low, it’s a great idea to throw in a workout. Oh did I mention, that feeling of fulfillment after you’ve finished a workout? Like yea… just did it!

Secondly if your goal is Weightloss, yea, you need to move. I purposely skipped mentioning this first because a lot of people are so fixated on this that when it doesn’t happen soon as they expect, they give up too soon forfeiting the other benefits. I encourage that you adapt this lifestyle and enjoy it -the body shaping will fall in shape, healthier and stronger!

Thirdly, exercise has also been proven to prevent many health conditions and stop the progress of diseases like diabetes, hypertension, infertility amongst others.

This is my first blog post and it is intended to share my fitness journey, keep up the motivation and simple fitness and exercise tips for staying active.

So stay with me as we keep being active as a daily goal.

Disclaimer: I am not a professional trainer

Love and Light, 


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